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Wellness made simple.

We know life is crazy. And messy. And beautiful. And all the things.

So we look for ways to infuse it with a little Simply Good magic wherever we can.

For gently nestled in between your thoughts and emotions is a wondrous little space of well-being.
t is filled with light, warmth, joyfulness, and awe.


We aim to shine our light into this space so you can see your path to greater well-being.

To cultivate an uplifting community, with a platform filled to the brim with practical tools and resources,
so you feel in your bones that this illuminated path is accessible to you.


We enthusiastically devote ourselves to fostering a spirit of continuous learning and growth.
Focused intently on progress over perfection - enabling you to feel the deep, warm, tingly sense
f empowerment that comes by recognizing your own light and feeling fully aligned with your truest,
most badass self.


We purposefully strive to create a space primed for profound personal reflection and wonderment
so you may feel the richness and power of living through intentional intuition.


We seek to gently guide you in aligning with joy through hardships. For we know, intimately, of the strength and resilience by which adversity can cause your spirit and soul to evolve. And which thereby creates a greater capacity for you to live abundantly.


Simply put, our mission is to amplify joy.


And to do it together.

Wherever you are on your wellness journey, we warmly welcome you to join us and experience the joy
of living  A Simply Good Life.

The Simply Good Pillars

Hi, I'm Laura!

Creative Founder & Chief Creative Officer

✨ I'm an avid lover of the little moments and infusing as much joy into life as possible.

🌎 I live for traveling and exploring different countries and cultures. Bonus points for any and all desserts.

😳 I'm a word maker-upper, an endless hobby rotater, and a seafood super duper disliker (I know). 

🥞 I'm extraordinarily good at catching randomly falling objects and extraordinarily
bad at flipping pancakes.

🍰 I will never turn down a slice of cake and must absolutely smell every candle
I see.

🌱 I geek out on wellness, self-development, and growth. I am endlessly fascinated
in discovering more about myself, the world, and everything in between. 

And I've been dreaming of Simply Good for years.


Before I even realized it was a dream. It started deep within my soul with the slightest twinge of resonation from a quote here or a thought there. A thousand micro-thoughts & micro-moments that eventually led to the mightiest of macro changes of my life. And what began as a personal desire to create a greater sense of well-being in my own life evolved into a deep, visceral, and undeniable desire to help others to do the same.

It is my deepest hope that Simply Good will bring more joy and clarity to others, wherever they are on their wellness journey.


And I hope you'll join me. 💛

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Want to say hello? We'd love to hear from you.

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